Raven of Iskandar Book 7 – Outbreak

This is a quick post–with an excerpt–to see how the WordPress integration is working. I spent the afternoon creating accounts with Instagram Business, Tumblr, Mastodon and Next Door. Unfortunately, WordPress was whining how they can’t send my posts to X (formerly Twitter). Apparently something has changed and they have no clue and apparently haven’t even talked to X yet. Sheesh.

Early in Book 7, Misa gets her tryout and here is some of the action around getting her to her tryout with Iskandar Secundus.

Finally above ground again and almost to his office, Tristaner saw Secundus Team Manager Carin Thusfeld and Coach Paul Accompora heading his way.  He suddenly remembered that Secundus had a match in about an hour.  His Secundus manager and the coaches would not know what happened to one particular member of the Secundus team and would be looking for permission to fill the gap.  Vysse was probably still in the building, but, then again, he had promised Misa a tryout.

“Mr. Tristaner!” said Carin, getting his attention and running toward him.  Tristaner smiled to himself realizing that that is why Carin was promoted—because she cared.

“We can’t find Taressa and scans show she’s not in the building,” Caren blurted out.

Tristaner held up his hand.  “I can’t tell you the whole situation,” he began.  “We have to keep it secret, but for general consumption, Taressa has left the team and will not be returning.”

Two pairs of eyebrows went up and then down again.

That’s my people, he thought, just adjust to the situation.

“Ok,” Carin said, taking a deep breath.  “I’ll get a hold of Vysse.”

“Then we’ll have to think of pulling up a replacement from Piedmont,” added Paul.

“Not so fast,” Tristaner said with a smile.  “I have a walk-in that needs a tryout.”

“A tryout!?” expressed Carin.  “At Prime level?”

“I thought we didn’t do walk-ins at this level,” said the coach.

The thought that rushed through his head was whether he could trust the two of them.  Carin was a couple of months up here, but with years in various positions in Iskandar.  Paul was the same.  He was probably the longest tenured coach in Prime.

“Ok,” he said.  “I’m going to have to tell you one secret.  Let’s head to my office.”

They all went in and Tristaner poked at his wristmon.  He contacted Destar Connolion to bring Misa up to his office.

“We’re going to have to do this fast,” said the manager.

“Have a seat, it’ll be quick, they’re on their way,” he said, settling behind his desk.  “I’m having Misa brought up here.  You’ll meet her and you’ll understand how important and strange this situation is.”

The two looked at each other.  Then both were surprised by the young woman who was all in black.  And barefoot.

“Do we have the right translator?” he asked the security guard.

“On her belt,” he said.

“Ok, you can go,” said Tristaner.  “Misa will be Carin’s problem now.”

Misa gave a grin and found a seat without being asked.  The black-clad assassin perched herself on Tristaner’s credenza.  She had not said a word and Tristaner appreciated that.  A senior agent—assassin—would have to quickly assess situations and she probably decided that saying anything might disturb what he had in mind.

“Misa,” began Tristaner.  “This is Carin Thusfeld, the manager of Secundus and Paul Accompora, one the Prime coaches.”

Misa bowed her head and said something in her language which the translator handled.

“I am honored to meet you,” she said.  “I am Misa.”

Before Tristaner could continue, Misa continued.

“I apologize for the awkward way we have to communicate,” she continued.  “My home is far away so that normal translators could not understand me.  I will have to learn Galact.”

“You are here for a tryout?” asked Carin.

“Yes, to tryout for Iskandar is an honor I wish to indulge.”

The manager and coach looked at each other.

“The translation is adequate but not stellar,” said Tristaner.  “But now for the interesting part.”

“Communications is going to interesting by itself,” said Accompora.  Misa smiled in amusement.

“Misa,” said Tristaner.  “I’m going to take Carin and Paul into our confidence.”

“Is good idea.  Help appreciated.  I start.”

Carin and Paul looked confused until Misa handed them her ID plat.  Then they were shocked.

Carin gave an open-mouthed stare at the CEO.

“Misa has been assigned by the AAPF to an undercover position here at Prime,” began Tristaner.  “She has admitted that she does not assassinate anyone.”

“Is more bounty-hunter,” said Misa.  “Only once outside Alliance had I to do my job.”

“Well, I guess we wouldn’t have to worry about you being shy shooting people on the map,” ventured the coach.

“I would consider it well-worth practice.”

Carin took another deep breath.  “Are you sure, Mr. Tristaner, that you are ready for another Chaoschick?”

“I didn’t think of it that way,” laughed Tristaner.  “Well, the plan is to see how Misa does in a match.  Otherwise, we’ll find an attendant position for her.”

“I will need to find a place where I can talk to anybody,” began Misa, through the translator.  “I will already be thought unusual.  Headquarters must have some idea as to why doing this as I will not be able to blend in.”

“That is an understatement, Misa,” said Carin.  “How…how old are you?  Sorry but you look very young.”

“I am 19 Earth,” said Misa.  Seeing the astonished looks, she continued.  “On B-Maid we learn skills very early.”

Tristaner knew that his manager and coach were envisioning what kind of skills at what age.  Mainly, because he was doing the same.

“I am sorry,” said Misa, bowing her head.  “For jokes.  We learn early to break the tension.  Sometimes jokes are black.  But I am on your side.”

“You’ve got to get going,” urged Tristaner.  The conversation was getting fascinating, but there was a match to play.

“You’re right,” said Carin, jumping up.  “Paul, you take Misa to Fitting and I’ll get the team prepared.  Things are getting interesting.”

Published by ravenofiskandarseries

Electronic Design Engineer, Electronic Music Composer and Author.